(by order of appearance)
One character in the dark, and another one, and another one…
Morris the silver grey fox
Lurkey the turkey
Kim, the one-eyed white fox
Ralf the bagpipe playing chicken
The chicken
The last dodo
The RAT who doesn’t like noses
The pouched rabbit (a kangaroo)
One of the animals an animal from Estonia
The foxy fox
The crowd
The dog
The hen, One hen, Another Hen, First Hen, Second Hen & the leader of the armed hen forces.
The mushroom
The Animal choir
Kate Moss she is everywhere
A bot
A butterfly (with a slight german accent)
Donna Haraway
Cayenne Pepper
The dinosaur, a stone
The chorus of 101 dogs, a group of dogs
Feministic Flower arrangement, a collective of feminist practices
Bacterias slutty for sure not picky, embracing diversity and not discriminating on the basis of sex difference
The skies
(in random order)
Opening Song
Scene 112, All the animals come and present their tails.
Scene 66, Inside the Woolf
Scene 13, Why the chicks feed on chicken
Scene 07, The Last Dodo
A short story, The Story of The Pouched Rabbit
A landscape, Inside of the woolf
A landscape, In the forest
A landscape, at dawn
Between the Actes, Jokes and theater
Darwin Scene (when he comes crawling in from stage left, looking for the dodo)
Scene 5: Feminist collective practices in non-domesticated species
Scene 77: Dialogue between a bot and a butterfly
Scene 17, list of possible meetings
Scene 32, introduction to Cayenne Pepper
Scene 101, At the end of the road.
Forecomming scenes:
The first encounter between Joe the rabbit and Kate the Moss
The day when the cows decided to go on strike
The first date (in the darkness of the woods)
The gossip heard in the clearings
Vegetarian Woolf
Horses dream of horses (most of them)
Mysterious cases of forms of resistance and refusal in trans-species symbiotic relationships
The secret life of pets
Best hike route for an old moose
The Remedy Song
a nursery rhyme
Here is a beehive.
But where are all the bees?
Hiding away where nobody sees.
Here they come: one, three, five!
Buzzing all day and sleeping at night.
Flying out to sniff flowers,
Asters, clovers and gayfeathers
Here they are: four, seven and eight!
Honey they work hard, these busy ones,
Don't you try to squish, lick, slap,
pinch, poke them or they''ll strike back.
eleven, three and one
Ouch! one of the bee stung me!
Aïe Oï Aïe! The venom got in!
It's burning and swelling
seven two tree
Crush one poppy flower over the bite
or three neighboring herbs
pain will fly like birds
five six seven eight!
The Pouched Rabbit Song
Somewhere in Estonia, a land far east,
lived a strange resentful animal
that everyone calls the pouched rabbit.
What isn't said cannot be known.
When the pouched rabbit first appeared on the Estonian lands,
no one knew who they were.
One day one of the animals decided to go and greet the new comer.
What isn't said cannot be known.
Hey fellow! What’s up?
You look quite funny...
What's your name?
What isn't said cannot be known.
The strange animal looked at them, smiled,
and continued their way
jumping through the lands without offering any answer.
What isn't said cannot be known.
And so everyone called them the pouched rabbit.
It is said that since then the pouched rabbit is very bitter to other animals.
No one understood they were actually a kangaroo.
What isn't said cannot be known.
Eggs Song
How they came about
Watch this
The song describes the danger the eggs went through before hatching (a storm, a owl, mother who forgot).
26. Januar
26. Januar
Posekaninens sang
Et sted i Estland, et land langt øst,
levde et merkelig ergerlig dyr
som alle kaller for Posekaninen
Det som er sant er ikke sagt
Da kaninen først dukket opp på det estiske land ,
ingen visste hvem de var.
En dag bestemte et av dyrene seg for å gå og hilse på den nye.
Det som er sant er ikke sagt
Hei du! Hva står på?
Du ser ganske morsom ut...
Hva heter du? Hva er ditt navn?
Det som er sant er ikke sagt
Det merkelige dyret så på dem, smilte,
og fortsatte på veien
Hoppet gjennom landet uten å gi noe svar.
Det som er sant er ikke sagt
Og så kalte alle hen for Posekaninen
Det sies at siden den gang er hen veldig bitter mot de andre dyr.
Det ingen forsto var at de faktisk var en kenguru.
Det som er sagt er ikke sant
A landscape (In the forest)
A leaf hides another leaf.
Actually it's a curtain of leaves.
Purples, light blues, copper, ocres, fluo yellow and sea water greens are weaving a dense net.
A close-drawn curtain hidden from heaven’s eye.
Every move makes the curtain quiver: winds from the four corners of the world
"I see you shiver with anticipation" (whispered like Doctor Frank n Furter does in Rocky Horror Picture Show)
Animals sneaking, flying, sliding and climbing
The leafs sounds like myriads of coins
scrubbed onto each other,
or maybe more like maracas.
the maracas sound rocks in counts of six and eights.
Shadows are gathering through the night,
heading to the maracas party,
hidden under the branches of the chest nut three
Et landskap (i skogen)
Et løv skjuler et annet løv
Et løv skjuler et annet løv..
Egentlig er det en gardin av løver
Lilla, lyseblå, kobber, okres, flurgult og sjøvannsgrønt
vever et tett nett.
Et lukket gardin skjult for himmelens øye.
Et løv skjuler et annet løv.
Et løv skjuler et annet løv.
Egentlig er det en gardin av løver
Hvert trekk får gardinen til å dirre: vinder fra verdens fire hjørner
"Jeg ser at du skjelver av forventning"
(hvisket som doktor Frank n Furter gjør i Rocky Horror Picture Show)
Dyr som sniker, flyr, glir og klatrer
Et løv skjuler et annet løv.
Et løv skjuler et annet løv.
Egentlig er det en gardin av løver
Bladene høres ut som myriader av mynter
skrubbet på hverandre,
eller kanskje mer som maracas.
Et løv skjuler et annet løv.
Et løv skjuler et annet løv.
Egentlig er det en gardin av løver
Maracas lyder steiner i tellinger på seks og åtte.
Skygger samler seg gjennom natten,
på vei til maracas-festen,
skjult under grenene til hasselnøttens tre
Et løv skjuler et annet løv.
Et løv skjuler et annet løv.
Egentlig er det en gardin av løver
MR rogers
When Species meet, a review song
Sung by Cayenne Pepper
My name is Cayenne Pepper, and this is a story about my company human being
Donna was her name and she was not good to clean her room, vacuum clean and cook
So she sat down with pen, pencils, paper and ink to write a book
I will sing a song to you now what she was foreseeing
My human Donna Haraway, who had a lot of aspiration/determination
Was interested in the intersection of humans, animals, philosophy and science;
The important thing is that everything in the world is in an Alliance
The book is called When Species Meet and is a breathtaking meditation
Donna was living with her dogs called Roland and Cayenne Pepper (thats me)
And she thougth who do I pet when I pet my dog?
Could a living creature be living inside of the fog?
She is also writing about micro-organisms, baboons, chicken and a gordon setter
So what is the moral that Haraway is trying to teach us;
knowledge spring from animal-human associations
and work powerfully against ideas about human exception
So that we can continue to live together with to much Fuz.
(You're like a style fountain.
Enough zazz as a whole mountain
Domestic, Animal and Pets, Dogs and Birds too,
Are sharing a lot of the same qualities of you
You're the perfect person.
You could meet a worse one.
You find so many that are far too hasty
But you are simply tasty)
When Species meet, a review song
Sung by Cayenne Pepper
I m an Australian shepherd, and I go by Cayenne Pepper
Am gonna tell you bout the Companion Species paper
was written by my animal companion that is a human being
I will sing a song now bout what she was foreseeing
Donna is her name and she is not so such a good cook
So she sat down with pen, pencils, paper to write a book
The title is When Species Meet and is a breathtaking meditation
Written by a post-human, who had a lot of determination
She is interested in humans, animals, philosophy and science;
For her the important thing is that everything in the world is in alliance
She also writes about micro-organisms, baboons, chicken and a gordon setter
And she thought: Animal, Pets, Dogs and Birds too,
Are sharing a lot of the same qualities of you.
And she thought: who do I pet when I pet my dog?
Could a living creature be living inside of the fog?
Knowledge springs from animal-human associations
and work powerfully against ideas about human exception
That's is the moral that Haraway is trying to teach us;
So that we can continue to live together with to much fuzz.
You're the perfect person because you are with everyone else.
Being together and alive is about joining all that mess.
12. Februar
12. Februar
12. Februar
12. Februar
Red riding hood and the woolf